What is it? How do I use it?
The Grand and Jackson County road maps for developmental, vision, hearing, and oral health lay out the process of screening, referral, and follow-up across the entire community. The road maps describe when different professionals do screenings, how to make the right referrals after screening, and what to expect from follow-ups once a referral is made. These road maps also describe the messaging that families receive at each step in the process. Where did it come from? The road maps are living, ever-changing documents created from ongoing input from stakeholders in the community. In 2010, a group of health care and early childhood professionals came together to express concern about the way screening, referral, and follow-up was being done locally. Some of their concerns were:
After many meetings and vetting by groups of different stakeholders, the first road map was born. Over the years, the documents have grown and changed on a regular basis. These changes are made to make sure the road maps align with the specifics of the community and are based on feedback from local professionals and community members. Referral Information Developmental Screening Referrals: Early Intervention (ages 0-36 months): Online referral form Call 833-733-3734 (833-REFER-EI) Email: [email protected] Download the referral form and fax to 303-866-5944 Child Find (ages 3-5 yrs): Fax referral form to your nearest elementary school: East Grand: 970-887-2635 -- Attn: Rhonda Hill (Granby)/Attn: Diane Jacobsen (Fraser/Winter Park) Kremmling: 970-724-9052 -- Attn: Marveen Terryberry Walden: 970-879-0442 -- Attn: Courtney Lincoln Early Childhood Mental Health Counselor: Obtain referral form/consent (phone: 970-725-3391 ext. 3). Hearing Screenings Referrals - Refer to pediatrician or PCP (Primary Care Physician). For OAE hearing tests following newborn screening, contact Grand Beginnings (970-725-3391 ext. 5) Oral Health Screening Referrals- Inform parents to refer to dental home. Vision Screening Referrals - Early Childhood Program Director is responsible for submitting a referral form to the Fraser Valley Lion's Club. PCP (Primary Care Physician) or Pediatrician will refer to an optometrist or ophthalmologist as appropriate. If a family does not have access to a medical provider, refer to Rural Health Network (phone: 970-725-3477). |
Suggest an edit
If you are a professional in Grand or Jackson County and think the road map should be changed to better reflect the community and its needs, please send us your input so that the road maps can be continuously improved. |